Here at Transdirect, we value honesty and being upfront about our shipping policies.
Which is why we have this page to clearly state – Transdirect does not ship your dangerous goods.
There are many different rules and regulations when it comes to shipping items which are classified as dangerous goods.
Transdirect does not offer dangerous goods shipment services. We work with couriers who do offer dangerous goods services, however Transdirect does not offer these.
If your goods are classified as dangerous to transport under section 14 of your MSDS sheet – we unfortunately cannot transport these items. We have made this decision to keep Transdirect as safe as possible for our staff, our customers, and our couriers.
You as the sender need to have a full understanding of your products, and whether they are classified as dangerous goods. If they are dangerous goods, it is your responsibility to ensure they are transported safely.
This includes using providers who accept and transport dangerous goods. There are different rules for transporting freight by air and road – You can find the details of this legislation in the Australian Dangerous Goods Code.
The code provides the technical requirements for the land, train, and air transportation of dangerous goods – this includes:
- Classification
- Packaging and performance testing
- Use of bulk containers, IBCs, freight containers and unit loads
- Marking and placarding
- Vehicle requirements
- Segregation and stowage
- Transfer of bulk dangerous goods
- Documentation
- Safety equipment
- Procedures during transport emergencies; and
- The dangerous goods list with UN numbers.
Each state and territory has different legislative regulations – please refer to this guide to find your state’s relevant regulations.
Transdirect only sends goods which are not classified as dangerous. It is your responsibility as the sender to know the requirements of shipping your dangerous goods and ship them in a safe manner. Read the products’ MSDS sheet, and understand where to find transportation classification under section 14.
Review the graphic below for more information on what is classified as a dangerous good. Please note: This is not an exhaustive list. This list is not a complete guide on what is and isn’t a dangerous good.
Transdirect cannot ship dangerous goods for individuals or companies – if you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact our customer service team for more information.