We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach when it comes to couriers.
Some couriers are perfect for sending large packages, some can get your package to its destination quicker than Flash, and some offer unrivalled customer service.
At the end of the day, every courier can ship your products.
It’s often an arduous process, picking the courier of your choice.
Especially when shipping is about as important in the sales process as having the right ecommerce platform.
With eBay, you have the luxury of selling on a pre-existing platform, so no excuses when it comes to shipping. You’ve streamlined your business to sell effectively on eBay, so you need to invest where it counts.
We’ve got the most helpful tips to get you started on picking your chosen eBay courier – read on and become an eBay shipping master!
Let your customers choose their eBay courier
There, we said it.
Customers love options – whether it be customising their handbag, or creating their own reusable coffee cup, they like the freedom to customise the product, the packaging, and their whole shopping experience.
This is true for shipping too.
Customers know their needs better than ecommerce stores do. They know whether they require their goodies by the end of the week, or by tomorrow afternoon.
Some customers want free shipping, some customers just want their products in their hot little hands as soon as possible, no matter what it costs.
The trick is you as the ecommerce store owner need to be able to provide your customers with those options.
How do I give my customers options in choosing their eBay courier?
Here at Transdirect, we believe in giving your customers as much freedom as possible.
So we’ve created a piece of eBay shipping wizardry – an eBay postage calculator.
You’ll be able to give your customers a range of freight prices from the best couriers in Australia – something not many eBay sellers can offer their customers.
Customers can get what they want without any effort from yourself – just install the calculator and delight your customers with a plethora of shipping prices to choose from.
Say goodbye to manual data entry forever with Transdirect’s eBay integration. The integration allows booking data to be synced to your members account with Transdirect, saving you a bunch of time in data entry.
How can I improve my shipping with eBay?
Of course every online store owner wants to be the best, it’s the nature of business. In order to improve, you have to learn.
The following advice rings true for all ecommerce store owners – sit tight and learn.
#2. Ask your customers for their opinion
#3. Try different postage options – you’ll find the right one for your business
These are just three super simple ways your business can actively improve your eBay shipping process and build on your existing customer base.
When you open your eBay store, really focus on getting those important things like customer service, packaging and shipping sorted. This will help you retain loyal customers and build your business.
Get the right eBay shipping solution for your business with Transdirect’s eBay shipping calculators and eBay shipping integrations.